Real S&P 500 CAPE - Monthly

Chart Description

This chart shows the monthly Cyclically Adjusted Price-to-Earnings ratio (CAPE) for the real (inflation adjusted) S&P 500. CAPE is a stock valuation measure created by economist Robert Shiller. Unusually high/low CAPE values are intended to suggest that the stock is over/undervalued. The horizontal gray line is the average of the P/E values. The colored horizontal lines represent one and two standard deviations from the average. By definition, around 68% of the data points are within one standard deviation of the average and 95% of the data points are within two standard deviations of the average.

CAPE is calculated by taking the ratio of Real S&P 500 - Monthly and the rolling average of earnings in Real S&P 500 Earnings with 10Y Rolling Average - Monthly AR.

Relevant Links Topic - U.S. Stock Market

Wikipedia: cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio , standard deviation

Other Links: Robert Shiller's data

